About Us

We believe in a cleaner, brighter future. One where a well balanced, cleaner energy system combines with sustainable infrastructure to provide future generations with an enhanced quality of life. 

Achieving that goal requires investment on a scale that we have scarcely seen before, into profitable platforms and businesses, run by high calibre leaders who can create value and execute against strategy. 

Our work ties together the 3P's that drive our Vision:

People - Exceptional leaders doing exceptional things
Profit - Creating profitable, growing businesses
Planet - working together for a cleaner, sustainable future. 

Each of our team work towards connecting those 3 P's. 

With a wealth of industry expertise and a commitment to delivering for our clients (no matter the obstacles), you can rest safe in the knowledge that we always get the job done. 

Our Values

When we agree to take on a project, we are in it until the end - come hell or high water. 

Staying true to this means we have to be picky about the type of clients, candidates and projects we agree to take on. 

Here's how it plays out in real life:

  • We only take on projects that we are confident we can deliver. 
  • Our clients share our urgency and like to move at pace
  • We build high touch partnerships, and are more likely to overcommunicate than undercommunicate. 
  • Our clients value the process, and trust us to execute our agreed strategy. 
  • Our clients place a high value on candidate experience, and provide feedback every step of the way. 
  • All our projects are delivered on a retained, exclusive basis. Any other arrangement will dilute our ability to provide complete focus on the project. 

Inevitably, this value means that we turn down a lot of projects where the hiring company doesn't fit that criteria.

But that's a good thing. 


Clear, honest communication is the foundation of every successful search project. 

Sometimes telling the truth is easy. Sometimes telling the truth is hard.

But it's never optional. 

Here's how that plays out:


  • We will provide an honest evaluation of your business, offering and narrative - backed my tangible data taken from the target talent pool. 
  • We will help you create a compelling narrative that attracts the best people - based on reality and opportunity, not a rose tinted version of your business. 
  • We assess every candidate against a functional and behavioural competency framework, to provide an accurate and honest reflection of capability and fit. 
  • We hire for long-term success, not for 'that'll do', quick-fixes. 


  • We will always provide feedback, verbatim.
  • We will only ever encourage you to consider opportunities that we believe could be beneficial for your career
  • We will only work with Clients that we would personally want to work for ourselves. 

In every interaction, we seek to leave the situation better than when we found it.

And it's important to us that our clients have that same mentality.  

Whether we agree to work together or not, we want to be a force for positive change in the Energy & Infrastructure markets. 

We are always happy to provide best practice advice to hiring companies and job-seekers alike, based on our experience within the industry. 


Your Talent Partners

Josh Foulkes

Josh Foulkes

Director & Principal
Sarah Foulkes

Sarah Foulkes

Director & Head of Assessment
Jacob Foulkes

Jacob Foulkes
