
Assessing for Capability and Character

Effective Assessment Strategies – why Capability alone isn’t enough.

It is incredibly expensive to make a mis-hire at executive level, with estimates varying wildly from 3x – 25x of the annual salary of said person. Whichever end of the spectrum you lean towards, it’s clear that a poor leadership hire is almost certain to have significant impact on your bottom line.

Furthermore, a widely-cited study by Leadership IQ found that 46% of newly-hired employees fail within the first 18 months, and a significant 89% of these failures are attributed to behavioural reasons rather than a lack of capability.

These statistics underscore the critical importance of using advanced assessment tools to ensure that new hires not only possess the necessary skills but also fit well within the organizational culture.

Here at Sonder & Metric, we’re committed to staying ahead of the curve by embracing cutting-edge tools that enhance our recruitment process.

One such tool that has significantly transformed our approach is Wisnio. By leveraging advanced psychometric assessments and data analytics, Wisnio enables us to make informed, nuanced hiring decisions that align perfectly with our clients' needs.

Understanding the Science Behind Wisnio

At the core of Wisnio is a sophisticated blend of psychometric science and data analytics. Wisnio assessments draw upon established models such as McLelland/McBer Competency frameworks, the Big Five Personality Traits, and Schwartz's Value Theory. These frameworks provide a comprehensive view of an individual’s competencies, personality traits, and values, giving us a holistic understanding of each candidate.

Although the science behind Wisnio is intricate, its practical applications are where it truly shines. Below, we explore the key benefits of using Wisnio in the executive search process.

Benefits of Using Wisnio in the Hiring Process:

  1. Enhanced Candidate Matching

One of the standout features of Wisnio is its ability to match candidates more accurately with the role and organizational culture. By assessing a candidate’s competencies, personality, and values, we can ensure a stronger alignment between the candidate and the company’s needs. This alignment isn’t just on a surface level; it dives deep into how a candidate will fit within the team and the broader organizational ethos, leading to better long-term success for both parties.

  1. Data-Driven Insights

Wisnio replaces guesswork with data-driven insights. This means that decisions are based on objective data rather than subjective judgment. For executive positions where the stakes are high, this level of precision is invaluable. It helps us identify which candidates are not only suitable based on their skills and experiences but also a good cultural fit, ensuring higher retention rates and overall job satisfaction.

  1. Time Efficiency

In the competitive landscape of executive recruitment, time is of the essence. Wisnio streamlines the candidate assessment process, allowing us to filter through vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently. This accelerates the hiring process without compromising on quality, ensuring that our clients can secure top talent before their competitors do.

  1. Enhanced Team Dynamics

By understanding not just the individual candidate but also the dynamics of the existing team, Wisnio allows us to predict how a new hire will interact with and complement the current team. This is particularly crucial for executive roles where leadership and teamwork are paramount. Insights from Wisnio help us foster harmonious and productive teams, leading to better overall organizational performance.

  1. Reduced Bias

Bias in hiring is an issue that can undermine the quality of recruitment and organizational diversity. Wisnio’s data-driven approach minimizes unconscious bias by relying on standardized metrics and eliminating subjective influences. This ensures a fairer hiring process and promotes a more diverse and inclusive workplace.

  1. Continuous Improvement

With Wisnio, the assessment process doesn’t end with the hiring decision. The data and insights gathered can be used for ongoing team development and strategic planning. This continuous feedback loop helps organizations to evolve and improve their HR strategies over time, making them more resilient and adaptable to changing market conditions.


In today’s executive search landscape, leveraging advanced tools like Wisnio is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. By providing deeper insights into a candidate’s competencies, personality, and values, Wisnio ensures that our hiring decisions at Sonder & Metric are data-driven, efficient, and aligned with our clients’ strategic goals. The result is not just finding the right candidate, but fostering long-lasting success and growth for our clients.

By blending tools like Wisnio with our established Capability and Character assessment framework, we can ensure that our clients have the data available to de-risk their hiring decisions.

For more information on how Sonder & Metric can help you secure top executive talent, contact us today.

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